Partner, Competition and Antitrust, Compliance

Metin Pektaş worked in Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) as a competition law/policy specialist and case handler for 12 years. He was involved in many cartel and dominant situation investigations and merger and acquisition files at various levels in numerous service sectors such as energy, cement, iron and steel, chemistry, mining, banking-finance, health, agriculture, and served as a team leader in the in the last five years. He took part in the review processes of Erdemir, Başkent Gaz, Mazıdağı phosphate facilities, electricity distribution and electricity generation privatizations and worked on the preparation of the Electricity Sector Report published by the Competition Authority in 2015.

During his time at the Competition Authority, Pektaş also took part in many legislative studies, especially the Mergers and Acquisitions Communiqué, the Communiqué on File Entry and Trade Secrets. In addition, he coordinated the vocational training of Competition Authority experts and carried out institutional capacity building activities for Cyprus, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan Competition Authorities.

Metin Pektaş participated in and contributed to many international meetings on competition law and policy, including OECD, ABA (American Bar Association), ERA (Academy of European Law), and ICF (International Competition Law Forum) while he was working for the Competition Authority. In 2017, he served as the Advisor to the President of the Competition Authority for nearly three years. In addition, he was with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), one of the American competition authorities, for 3 months in 2012 and worked on a natural gas merger case in Alaska.

After resigning from the Competition Authority at the beginning of 2017, Pektaş served as Competition Compliance Director in one of the major players in the electricity distribution and retail sector. Within the scope of his duties there, he reviewed all strategies, business processes and field practices of electricity distribution companies, electricity supply companies and SPV companies within the group and ensured their compliance with the Competition Law. He managed defence process on behalf of the company in the dominant position investigation conducted by the Competition Authority.

Lastly, Pektaş served as the General Manager of Tarım Kredi Holding, which is the umbrella company of 12 companies producing agricultural inputs and services for a year and managed the establishment process and structuring of the Holding. In this process, he managed the budget, performance, and business development processes of 12 companies within the group and in the agricultural sector and conducted market analysis studies on related sectors.

Within NAZALI, Pektaş carries out competition compliance studies, consultancy and defence processes in the examinations carried out by the Competition Authority in many sectors, especially in energy, e-commerce, food and retail, pharmaceuticals, banking, and agriculture.

Pektaş speaks advanced level English.